jueves, 4 de febrero de 2010

First entry.

Greetings to you my dear brothers and sisters in the Coquille Church of the Nazarene, together will all my other generous supporters

I am writing today in order to maintain the good faith which you placed in me and the call to missions. It is my intention, to inform you of the most eventful stories which I have had the pleasure of experiencing in Peru. My first three months I lived in Arequipa, studying Spanish. I lived with a Peruvian family, eating Peruvian food and trying to grasp the simplest of phrases. I studied Spanish for three months, finally placing myself in the pre-advanced level.

My most memorable event in Arequipa was the district baptisms. We were driven out to a hot springs in a bus, in which of course all the seats were taken and most of stood for the 2 hour drive. At the springs we had the pleasure of seeing eight new baptisms. Thanks be to God that the church in Arequipa is growing steadily, being the major part of the 300 Nazarenes in the south of Peru (I don’t know how many Christians are in the south, only how many Nazarenes).

After language school, we came to Iquitos where I am today. We have theology classes five days a week. This consists of classes in the morning and practices in the afternoons at local Nazarene churches. Glory be to God! Your support has seen fruit come to harvest. Three weeks ago, my partner, I and my pastor went to a local house in which an entire family came to Christ. The family owns four bars which they now say they are going to close. I say again all glory be to God!

This last week I had the privilege of participating in the local medical campaign. The clinic treated up to 1200 patients, wow! What’s more, there are 250 confirmed decisions for Christ! The local pastors will follow up with the new believers. Glory be to God that a one week project can touch so many lives. On the last day of the clinic, we all got some excitement. Towards the end of the day, a lady comes screaming into the clinic “!Fuego Fuego! !Ya ha consumado la mitad de mi casa! !Va a destruir toda la cuadra!” which means “ Fire Fire! It has already consumed half of my house! It’s going to destroy the entire block!” We all then grabbed buckets and rushed to the wells and threw bucket after bucket after bucket on the fire till the village had put it out. Amazingly the fire was stopped in only one (house the entire block is connected by thatch roofs).

I want to thank you all so much for your support. Your support made this practical and because of your prayers God made this possible.

Sincerest thanks

Timothy Scott Mong, 40/40 missionary

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